In an effort to continually align auditions statewide at the junior and senior levels, the Board of Directors voted at their Summer 2024 meeting to implement a cycle of commissioned etudes for Strings, Winds, Percussion and Instrumental Jazz at the Junior and Senior levels.

Instrumental Jazz etudes will be implemented in the Fall of 2024; Strings, Winds and Percussion etudes will be implemented in the Fall of 2025.

Junior Orchestra Auditions

1. Junior Orchestra Required Excerpts

Audition Repertoire & Excerpts for 2024 TBA

2. Junior Orchestra Scales

Students should prepare all six scales and will be asked to play two on audition day.

Students should be preparing all of the above pieces for the audition. A total of two excerpts will be selected from the audition pieces and sent out the week of the audition for further student preparation.

Senior Orchestra Auditions

Please visit the Orchestra Division Audition Information Page for this year's audition material.

District 7 Senior Orchestra students will also audition on additional excerpts from repertoire TBA.