In an effort to continually align auditions statewide at the junior and senior levels, the Board of Directors voted at their Summer 2024 meeting to implement a cycle of commissioned etudes for Strings, Winds, Percussion and Instrumental Jazz at the Junior and Senior levels.

Instrumental Jazz etudes will be implemented in the Fall of 2024; Strings, Winds and Percussion etudes will be implemented in the Fall of 2025.

Junior Band Auditions

1. Prepared Repertoire

Repertoire & Excerpts for 2024 TBA

Audition parts should be obtained from the school music educator nominating students for the band audition; if you are a music educator in need of these parts, please contact the D7 Jr. Band Representative at [email protected].

2. Etudes

3. ILMEA Junior Level Scale Sheet

  • 3 minute time limit

  • Tongue all notes
    Click Here for ILMEA Junior Scale Sheet

Senior Band Auditions

Please visit the Band Division Audition Information Page for this year's audition material.

A reminder on quota/limits: Sixteen wind/percussion students may audition, two additional color instruments for a total of 18 nominees.