Blog — Illinois Music Education Association

Junior/Senior General Music Updates and Growth!

Junior/Senior General Music Updates and Growth!

If you want to see where some of the biggest and most varied growth has been happening within ILMEA over the past few years, you’d need to take a look at the Junior/Senior General Music (JSGM) division! With new festivals, album streaming releases and an expanded Composition Contest there’s lots to catch up on to see how you and your students can get involved!

Job Hunting with an Open Mind

Job Hunting with an Open Mind

“Of all the positions I applied for, the one I was hired for and accepted was the furthest from what I envisioned my first job would look like, and I was determined to make it work. Thus, my greatest advice to recent grads: keep an open mind. Be open to a new focus, schedule, location, and professional network… Don’t be afraid to jump into the unknown.”

Board Meeting Spotlight: Updates to Jazz Audition & Selection Procedures

Board Meeting Spotlight: Updates to Jazz Audition & Selection Procedures

At the Spring 2022 Meeting, the ILMEA Board of Directors voted to implement changes to the Jazz audition process. After a careful examination of current practice and the procedures used by other states and national organizations, we feel very strongly that the new procedures and policies include a clear set of objective practices designed to benefit our students and directors.

Mentorship for Professional & Personal Success

Mentorship for Professional & Personal Success

Moving from undergraduate to student teacher, or from student teacher to in-service educator is exciting and exhilarating, and also overwhelming and (if we’re being honest) slightly terrifying! But with so many who have gone through these transitions before you and navigated them successfully, there is no reason to make a go if it on your own.

Looking Back and Looking Ahead: All-State Student Programs

Looking Back and Looking Ahead: All-State Student Programs

“I loved enjoying all the music. The Jazz and Student Composition Concerts were incredible. It was so fun to watch people just as passionate for music as I am.” I was so thrilled to read this quote from one of our participating All State Students, upon reviewing our 2022 Student Surveys. It evokes exactly the type of experience we are intending to bring to all our state’s most dedicated music students…

Fall 2021 Message from the ILMEA President

Fall 2021 Message from the ILMEA President

As a stakeholder in an independent ILMEA, you have a vested interest in our programs. Maybe you send students to district festivals or participate as an attendee at one of our Professional Development offerings. Maybe you rely on the high-quality articles in the IMEJ or access our social media accounts for resources during Black History Month. Whatever the reasons, you also have a ‘why.’

Organizing Your Classroom For Success: Empowering Students with Disabilities

Organizing Your Classroom For Success: Empowering Students with Disabilities

Often, students with disabilities require additional supports. When working with students with diverse needs, there is no one size fits all approach. However, almost any adaptation or modification we make for one student will likely benefit another. By adapting and modifying not only my lessons but also my classroom, I am able to provide an environment that meets the needs of all students.