FMES — Illinois Music Education Association

CLICK HERE for a printable/shareable version of the write-up that was featured in the Fall 2024 IMEJ. Its a great way to promote this opportunity with your students!


In an effort to identify and encourage potential future music educators into the profession, ILMEA has created a forum for high school students at the annual Illinois Music Education Conference: The ILMEA All-State Future Music Educators Seminar. These selected students will be mentored and exposed to various aspects of the profession. This pre-professional opportunity is a strong first step toward a career as a music educator. 


Students in grades 9 - 12 who are considering a career in music education are eligible to attend the Seminar. The student must be enrolled or participate in a recognized, sanctioned music class or activity at their school. These students will not be eligible to participate in any All-State performing ensemble during the year in which they take part in the Seminar. Students may participate in the Seminar more than once. However, preference will be given to first time participants.


The Seminar members will work with experienced music educators, much like the All-State ensemble members work with a conductor. The mentors will guide the students throughout the Conference, moderate discussion about sessions attended and the music education profession and facilitate the special content sessions.



Students will complete an application process that will include the following components:

  • The student nomination form in the online system. It is coded FMES and is located on the nomination page accessible to all registered participating schools. This form will need to be filled out by the nominating teacher.

  • A recorded video (digital) answering the three applicant questions found on the Applicant Video Instructions (see link below). Videos will be uploaded to YouTube and the sharing link copied into the FMES nomination form in the online system.

Completed applications must be submitted through the nomination portal to be considered. Educators can do this by visiting, logging in, clicking “FMES” in the left-hand column and clicking “Add a New Nomination”.

Applicants also eligible for performance participation will be assigned to FMES or the applicable performing ensemble based on the rank order of preference entered in the nomination form.

Submission Deadline: October 15 annually

Incomplete Applications or those received after the deadline will not be considered.



There will be a maximum of 55 students selected to participate in the Seminar. Each ILMEA District will be guaranteed 2 participants, if sufficient number of applications exist. Every effort will be made to insure geographic representation with a balance between band, choral, general music, jazz, orchestra and technology interest areas.



Notification of acceptance will be sent with the All-State selection results in early December. Student names will be included on the All-State Billing sheet and a participation fee of $30.00 per student will be assessed. Payment is due immediately upon receipt of notification.