District Audition Procedures

1. Required Selections

2. Tonal Skills
Chords will be performed in the key of Eb for Sopranos and Tenors; chords will be performed in the key of C for Altos and Basses.

  • Dominant 7th Chord

  • Major 7th Chord

  • Minor 7th Chord

  • Fully Diminished 7th Chord

Jazz Division President will select two of the above chords to be announced with all statewide excerpts.

Scales will be performed in the Key of Eb for Sopranos and Tenors; scales will be performed in the Key of C for Altos and Basses.

  • Blues Scale

  • Chromatic Scale

Both scales will be performed for the audition.

3. Improvisation on C Blues – (2 full choruses)
All voices will begin on C. Students will be asked to demonstrate improvisational ability with the required Blues in C.  Students will listen for one chorus, and will improvise for two full choruses.

Your district vocal jazz representative can help if you have any questions.  You can find their email and contact information at ilmea.org/districts, clicking your district and then navigating to District Leadership