District Audition Information


Each school submitting students to audition is assured representation in that ensemble at the District Festival, providing at least one student from that school auditions and meets minimal performance standards

Repertoire Excerpt Cycle:

Fall 2025: Beethoven
Fall 2026: Brahms
Fall 2027: Mozart
Fall 2028: Berlioz/Mendelssohn

ALL Senior level Violin players, in ALL districts, are to be nominated for Violin (not for Violin I or Violin II).  Junior level Violins will be nominated as determined by policy established by each ILMEA district.

The Orchestra Chairperson in each district is responsible for setting up the audition procedure for his/her specific District in a way that aligns with ILMEA policy.

After selections are made, the District President will then notify the primary contact of each school with selected students.

Tie breakers categories will be (in order): Tone, Technique, General Musicianship


Follow Band Audition Procedures.

All students wishing to be considered for the District Orchestra MUST check the proper boxes on the Nominee Form to indicate that willingness.

Only District Orchestra participants will be considered for assignment to the All-State Orchestras.

Winds and percussionists not chosen for the All-State Orchestras MAY BE assigned to All-State Bands.


Please note: To nominate a student for a harp audition in the Nomination Platform, please select “Strings” in the first drop-down menu and then in the second drop-down select “Harp.”

Harpists will be expected to perform and record the etude and orchestral excerpt as indicated in the listing of required audition materials (See Orchestra Division Audition Process). 

The harpist must perform with a District performance organization, if assigned to one, in order to remain eligible for All-State.

If the District repertoire does not require harp(s), the selected recording(s) will be forwarded to the State Orchestra Division President and selected student(s) are not required to attend the District Festival.

ALL-STATE Audition Requirements

Strings, Winds, Percussion and Harp

Audition requirements for string players will include excerpts from EACH of the major works to be performed by the Honors and All-State Orchestras. Excerpt music will be sent to the director of each All-State string selectee from the ILMEA State Office. In addition, each student will also prepare one major and one minor scale, which will be announced at the same time as the excerpts. There is no sight-reading requirement for the All-State audition.


Tone Quality:  15 Points

Technical Facility:  15 Points

Intonation:  10 Points

Rhythmic Accuracy:  10 Points

General Musicianship:  10 Points

Scale Studies:  10 Points

Total Possible:  70 points (Tie breaker order will be Tone, Technique, General Musicianship)