Register for EIU Large Group Festival by February 15!

Join ILMEA for the inaugural season of Large Group Festivals coming in the Spring of 2019! These festivals will focus on high caliber clinics, renowned evaluator feedback and a performance experience in a world-class venue. Festivals would be structured in a noncompetitive format, with the focus being on ensemble and director growth.

Nomination Festival Open for Registration!

ILMEA is piloting a new series of Nomination Festivals in the spring of 2019, focusing on outstanding music students who were not part of the ILMEA District Festival student ensembles. These students have the opportunity to be nominated by directors for the Nomination Festivals debuting this year in either Chicago or Carterville.

Ready to nominate your students? Click Here for information and links to register!

Don’t see your area of the state or your area of music education represented? We look forward to expanding these festivals in future years - let us know if you are willing to help plan or host by contacting Emily Petway, ILMEA Education Programs Manager at [email protected].

Large Group Festival Registration Now Open!

Join ILMEA for the inaugural season of Large Group Festivals coming in the Spring of 2019! These festivals will focus on high caliber clinics, renowned evaluator feedback and a performance experience in a world-class venue. Festivals would be structured in a noncompetitive format, with the focus being on ensemble and director growth.