ISBE & Aerosol Studies: Key Takeaways for Music Education

Plans for returning to in-person learning this fall are ongoing, as we all know. As music educators work with school administration to build the best plan for music students, ILMEA is providing a one-sheet with key takeaways from the most recent ISBE guidance and the updated aerosol study reporting. This way, music educators and administrators have a quick reference sheet as they collaborate on plans fo the fall.

Please note that as guidance is changed and updated, it is best to visit each source for the most up-to-date information; ILMEA will continue to monitor these sites as well to ensure that we are sharing and working with that information as well. (ISBE Covid Resources & NFHS Reports from Aerosol Studies)

Please note:

"These are the key takeaways of guidance and studies as they pertain to music instruction in schools. Please be advised that these have been selected and shared here with IDPH/CDC guidance in mind, but have not been vetted by these agencies. Please use these as you work with administration for return to music instruction and continue to follow guidelines from state agencies and your school district or institution."