The 1990 All-State Conference was held January 25-27, 1990 in Peoria, IL.

Jazz Night Concert - Friday, January 26, 1990

Honors Jazz Choir
Susan Moninger, Elmhurst College, Elmhurst, IL

I've Got That Great Feeling - Fredrickson
Mystery - R. Temperton/Zegree
Ticket To Ride - Lennon.McCartney/arr. Shaw
Johnny One Note - Richard Rodgers/arr. Puerling
S.O.S. - Swern/Shury/arr. Nowak
Days of Wine and Roses - Malpede

All-State Jazz Band
Len King, Rolling Meadows High School, IL

Until I Met You - arr. Steve Wright
La Playa - Doug Beach
All My Life - Sammy Nestico
Perpetual Commotion - Les Hooper
Some Like It Blues - Lennie Niehsaus

Honors Jazz Combo
Tony Garcia, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL

St. Thomas - Sonny Rollins
I've Got News for You - Higgenbotham/Shaw/arr. Garvia
It Don't Mean a Thing - Duke Ellington

Honors Jazz Band
Ron McCurdy, University of Kansas

On Our Way - Bob Parsons
When You Wish Upon a Star - Paul Jennings
Kicks - Jeff Taylor
First Light - Jeff Taylor
Cordova - Ralph Gingery
The Mad Grasshopper - Tom Garvin 

All-State Concert - Saturday, January 27. 1990

All-State Orchestra
Russell Reed, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI

Russlan and Ludmilla - Glinka
Hansel and Gretel - Humperdinck
March Slave - Tchaikovsky

All-State Chorus
Paul WIens, Wheaton Conservatory of Music, Wheaton, IL
Accompanist - Conny Jun, Lyons Township High School, LaGrange, IL

Heilig - Mendelssohn
The Last Words of David - Thompson
All That Hath Life and Breath - Clausen
Beat, Beat Drums - Hanson
Sing Joyfully - Byrd
Let My People Go - Nelhybel

All-State Band
James Hile, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC

Athletic Festival March - Prokofiev
Salvation is Created - Tschesnokoff
Armenian Dances (Part II) Third Movement - Reed 

Honors Concert - Saturday, January 27, 1990

Honors Orchestra
Michael Morgan, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Chicago, IL

Vocalise - Rachmaninoff
Don Juan - Strauss

Honors Chorus
Ann Howard Jones, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL
Accompanist - Alice Jayne Swickard, Charleston, IL

Heilig - Mendelssohn
The Last Words of David - Thompson
Misericordias Domini - Durante/ed. Damrosch
How Lovely is Thy Dwelling - Brahms
Evening Primrose - Britten
Ballad of the Green Broom - Britten
Hold On - Simpson

Honors Band
John Paynter, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL

Celebration Overture - Creston
Fantasia in G Minor - Bach/Boyd
Symphony No. 3 - Reed
Purple Pageant March - King/Paynter